Day 32 of 30 Day Squat Challenge

I completed my challenge! It took me 32 days because I listened to my body along the way and added 2 extra rest days after realizing I was too beat from the prior day’s bootcamp workouts I’ve been taking sporadically.

I will be completely honest….. It worked! I’m very happy with with my results in what really is a short amount of time! Just 4 weeks and I can see and feel a difference. From what I can remember, I really felt the first difference in week 2, and the next big difference again around day 24. Today, on day 30/day 32 I’ve decided my squat journey doesn’t end here.

Squats are a very effective workout because they not only raise your heart rate and work as a cardiovascular exercise for weight loss, they also target so many parts of your legs. Squats do an excellent job at targeting the gluteus, hamstrings, and quads. My legs feel and look stronger and more toned. I’m going to be coming up with a way of incorporating squats into my regular workout routine. Maybe 2-3 times a week? I’ll keep you all posted on my new endeavor and offer it as a suggestion for those of your currently on the squat challenge and seeing a perkier rear end! 🙂
